110 kV Transmission line Ntendezi-Bugarama

110 kV Transmission line Ntendezi-Bugarama

Construction of a new 110 kV transmission line on lattice towers and ACSR 240/40 conductors with OPGW including all local works...
The Overview!

110 kV Transmission line 17,45 km Ntendezi-Bugarama

Construction of a new 110 kV  ransmission line on lattice towers and ACSR 240/40 conductors with OPGW including all local works , survey , line profile , tower spotting , soil investigation , foundations, erection of towers, stringing , sagging and stringing.
Commissioning and organization of provisional acceptance

Client: EUCL
Location: 110 kV Transmission line 17,45 km Ntendezi Bugarama
Period:From April 2015 up to December 2016
Sustainable, Reliable & Affordable Energy!

As a provider of innovative, quality engineering and consulting services.

PITRAD IBAMBA Ltd possesses a solid competence in all the field of power transmission and distribution ranging from design, social and environmental impact mitigation, valuation and expropriation procedures, construction, engineering and commissioning for both transmission lines and Substation up to110 kV.